Would you like to increase your bottom line, without additional funding or research investment? Would you like to reduce your coating maintenance costs and extend your service life? Would you like to grow into global markets without investment? Would you like to develop new technologies, without expanding your existing R&D resources? Would you like your technology to become the industry standard?
Technology-based intellectual assets often represent a significant source of sustainable revenues and profits. GCA has strategic connections with coatings and equipment companies to extract value from current customers and intellectual capital. Further, we can help:
- Ignite your sales force
- Drive incremental revenues
- Reduce cycle-time of new product introductions
- Protect and accelerate market share
- Differentiate your organization
We can help create branding opportunities that complement existing product lines. Moving from opportunistic to strategic licensing does not happen at the bottom of the organization. The decision to incorporate technology licensing as a key part of the overall corporate strategy is most often made by the President. Following are some specific expertise we can provide to help build your business through licensing.
- Business Development
- Technology License Agreements
- Intellectual Property Authorization
- Industrial Coatings Sales Training
- Technology Exclusivity
- Strategic Planning
- New Plural Component Spray Technology
- New Corrosion Control Processes
- Progressive Material Science Innovations
- New Technologies